I recently had a "connect the dots" moment. I won't go in to too many details, but awhile ago, I was questioning my career path. I wasn't sure if working at a university was really what I wanted to do and I wasn't really sure if I was even good at my job. However, as someone who follows and trusts God, I didn't sense Him leading me in a different direction. I just felt really stuck, but tried to remain faithful.
Over the past week the tutors I work with have been turning in their Intent to Return forms - aka - do they still want to work here next semester. I've amazed at the number of students who are planning to come back and what they have shared about their experience. They are loving it! It's so so humbling and it's been a sweet reminder that I'm where I need to be at least for now.
Sometimes where we are is more important for others than it is for ourselves. I realized that a bit this week.