Sunday, September 28, 2014

An Unexpected Getaway

This past week my husband attended a conference in Atlanta and I was fortunate enough to be able to tag along.  Since his new role started in January, he's had to do a bit more traveling than he's normally had to do.  Compared to a lot of people and their careers, it's really not that much and for that we are thankful.  In the spring he went away about 4 times and this fall he has about another 3-4 trips, including the one he just took.

During the spring, I was never able to join him because my schedule already had some important things set in stone that I couldn't miss, but his trip to Atlanta was planned far enough in advanced and my schedule was flexible enough that I could make some arrangements to be able to join him!  We were both so happy it worked out.  I've had a crazy and somewhat challenging month so it was great to get away, have a change of scenery, and just take a little break.

Because Steven was in the conference for the majority of the time and we were close to one of the big malls, I got to go shopping!  I do enjoy shopping but after awhile it wears me out and it certainly did during my time in Atlanta.  Fortunately Steven got out of his conference early every day so we got some extra time together.

Now we're back and I'm starting to take advantage of all things fall!!!  My favorite season!  I've gone a little pumpkin crazy with putting a few around our house and stocking up pumpkin goodies today at Trader Joe's!  Just love this time of year and looking forward to enjoying it more! :)
So thankful for this guy!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

24 hours

I had really, really bad day this week.  Probably one of the hardest days I had had in almost a year.  Those days are just the worst.  :(  There were a lot of tough and frustrating situations, but I also could have handled things better.  One of my good friends was kind enough to listen to me and empathize with my situation and my sweet husband listened, hugged, but also provided some wonderful perspective.  His words helped me remember that we all, regardless of who we are and what we do, have 24 hours in the day.  What a comfort that has been this week!!!  It's become somewhat of a mantra to me as I have felt like I've been pulled in all different directions.

Remembering this and focusing on this has also helped me rethink my priorities.  My first priority is God, my second priority is my husband, and then comes everything else!  Everything else is fleeting. Everything else doesn't matter if you're priorities aren't taken care of.  You won't be your best self.

So take your 24 hours, do your best, work hard, but most importantly take care of yourself.  In the end, everything will be okay, everything will work out, and if doesn't, then it wasn't meant to be.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

I love Labor Day Weekend!  Since the last few weeks of August are always SOOOO busy with school getting started, a 3-day weekend always comes at the perfect time!  What a difference just having one day off makes!

Last year over Labor Day, we went up to Pennsylvania to meet our first newborn nephew for the first time (crazy to think how much he's grown in a year!!!), but this year we kept it low key and it was perfect since we had busy weeks at work, were getting over colds, and had not been sleeping well.

The Saturday of Labor Day is always a fun day because it's full of college football from morning to night.  It was nice to be unbiased watching some of the games and try to forget the heartbreaking loss Carolina had two nights before.  On Saturday night, we went to Pearlz Oyster Bar in the Vista with two of our good friends.  We had never been there before and were surprised at how much we liked it!  My husband and I really love seafood and were really impressed with all the options.  We didn't try the oysters, but are already planning to go back and we'll definitely try them then!

On Monday, we spent the day on Lake Murray on my in-laws boat.  It was a beautiful day and my husband impressed us all with his waterskiing skills!  I'm perfectly fine just being a spectator.

It was so nice having a short work week and having another great weekend, especially one that included a Gamecock victory!