Sunday, September 28, 2014

An Unexpected Getaway

This past week my husband attended a conference in Atlanta and I was fortunate enough to be able to tag along.  Since his new role started in January, he's had to do a bit more traveling than he's normally had to do.  Compared to a lot of people and their careers, it's really not that much and for that we are thankful.  In the spring he went away about 4 times and this fall he has about another 3-4 trips, including the one he just took.

During the spring, I was never able to join him because my schedule already had some important things set in stone that I couldn't miss, but his trip to Atlanta was planned far enough in advanced and my schedule was flexible enough that I could make some arrangements to be able to join him!  We were both so happy it worked out.  I've had a crazy and somewhat challenging month so it was great to get away, have a change of scenery, and just take a little break.

Because Steven was in the conference for the majority of the time and we were close to one of the big malls, I got to go shopping!  I do enjoy shopping but after awhile it wears me out and it certainly did during my time in Atlanta.  Fortunately Steven got out of his conference early every day so we got some extra time together.

Now we're back and I'm starting to take advantage of all things fall!!!  My favorite season!  I've gone a little pumpkin crazy with putting a few around our house and stocking up pumpkin goodies today at Trader Joe's!  Just love this time of year and looking forward to enjoying it more! :)
So thankful for this guy!

1 comment:

Barbara Anne said...

Great pic of you 2!!! Glad you've had some time away together this fall :)