Monday, July 7, 2014

Summer Loving

Today is July 7th, which means that it's almost the middle of July (it also means that the month and day add up to the year - 7 + 7=14 - 7/7/14!!!).  And it seems to me like whenever you hit the "middle" or halfway point, it means the end is quickly approaching.  With the end of July comes the start of August which for me means the start of school which means craziness!!!

We had such a great 4th of July weekend and it got me thinking last night how great of a summer we've been having too!  I'm already starting to feel a little sad that it will eventually come to an end!

So here's what has been making it great...

We're married!!!  Last summer had it's busy moments as we were in the last few months of planning our wedding.  Actually, it felt more like waiting for our wedding because a lot of the big stuff was done and it was too soon to work on the last minute things.  The back and forth trips to each other's homes every other day were starting to wear on us and since the end was in sight, we just wanted to be there already!!!  Now we're married and we have one home, one schedule, one set of groceries.  We're the Belles and not just Elizabeth and Steven.  There's so much I love about being married, but this is definitely up there as one of my favorites.  So far this summer, we've had some fun date nights, cooked some great meals, planned and hosted our Bible study, enjoyed time at the pool, and had a few weeknight adventures.  Our schedules aren't as full and Columbia, being a college town, also has a slower pace in the summer so the days overall have felt a little less hectic than usual.  So great! :)

The weather!  I live in South Carolina.  It's the summer.  It's going to get hot and it HAS been hot, but it really hasn't been unbearable.  Maybe I'm getting used it and maybe a trip up north helped too, but regardless, the weather has been really nice here this summer, especially this past weekend (Thanks to Hurricane Arthur!).  Last summer rain and storms seemed to be a constant theme, but so far there have only been a handful, which is to be expected, and they haven't really made a dent in too many plans or driven people too crazy...yet! ;)

Time off!  Our vacation to Delaware could not have come at more perfect time.  We were both needing some time off and some time away.  We had a great time and enjoyed perfect weather and, as I said in an earlier post, came back very refreshed.  It was an added bonus to come back to a 4 day work week since the 4th of July was Friday.  The long weekend was also so refreshing!  This week we're taking off some time to be in our friends' wedding and then we'll be taking some time off in a few weeks to see my mom, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew.  I love having things like this to look forward to!

Even though it may seem like the summer-like temperatures will never end, I know the pace of summer and "summer things" will in another few weeks.  Here's to savoring the remaining weeks of summer and being intentional about enjoying everything that's special about this season!  And don't worry...I'm nuts about fall! :)

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